Rainier Dress(age) Rehearsal Schooling Show



Rainier Dress(age) Rehearsal Schooling Show

Friday August 25, 2023

If you are entered in Donida Farm’s Rainier Northwest Dressage Championship & Open Show, you have the opportunity to ride the Test(s) of Your Choice in our competition arena with a local judge for comments and a little extra schooling.

We are offering Training Level through FEI & Musical Freestyle classes & you have the opportunity to haul in as soon as Thursday August 24, 2023 as early as 1pm with your Rainier Dress(age) Rehearsal paid entry.

Options include upgrades to a full day of stabling on Friday, arrving between 7am and 12:00 noon or another full day of stabling, arriving on Thursday after 1:00pm for an overnight and taking advantage of schooling on the grounds Thursday afternoon/evening.

We will be placing with Ribbons through 5th & a prize for the winners of each class. We will not be splitting classes unless the entries reach 15 or more per class. Show Management reserves the right to combine or split classes as best suits the flow of the show.

Please note that this schooling show is for the riders who are entered in the Rainier Northwest Dressage Championship & Open Show. No one, except that specific rider, is allowed to ride/school the horse. Also, all equipment must meet USEF/USDF standards.

Entry to this show is separate from the Donida Farm Rainier Northwest Dressage Championship & Open Show: It is not affiliated with USEF, USDF. Scores will not be reported nor do they count toward your USEF or USDF standings. This is a SCHOOLING SHOW ONLY: An opportunity to ride your test(s) in a schooling environment & is open to, and limited to, anyone who is already entered in Rainier Northwest Dressage Championship & Open Show on Saturday & Sunday, August 26 & 27, 2023. The only way to enter this schooling show is on this website at the link noted below!

**You must be registered in the Rainier Northwest Dressage Championship & Open Show in order to enter the Rainier Dress(age) Rehearsal Schooling Show**

ENTER the Rainier Dress(age) Rehearsal Schooling Show BELOW: