Welcome to the Blake Equestrian


The Centerline Dressage & In-Hand Schooling Series provide the opportunity to ride a dressage or Six Feet on the Ground test in a recognized show setting but with the relaxed and friendly atmosphere of a schooling show. Perfect for riders new to competition or young horses starting their show careers. Classes offered range from Intro Level all the way to Grand Prix, as well as the 2023 USDF Tests, 2022 USEF Eventing dressage tests & NAWD 2019 Six Feet on the Ground tests.

Centerline Dressage Series Dates:

June 1, 2024

July 13, 2024

August 17, 2024

To Benefit the Monarch Diaper Bank

Class List

  1. Introductory Level
  2. Eventing Dressage TOC (BN, Novice & Training only)
  3. Training Level
  4. First Level
  5. Second Level
  6. Third Level
  7. Fourth Level
  8. FEI TOC
  9. Six Feet on the Ground – Foundation Level
  10. Six Feet on the Ground – Progression Level


Series Certificate & Award Notes:

  • Earn a Certificate of Achievements by riding:
    • all 3 tests in USEF: Introductory – Fourth Levels,
    • A & B in USEA Eventing Dressage: BN, Novice & Training
    • All 6-Six Feet on the Ground Foundation
    • All 3-Six feet on the Ground Progression
  • If you earned a certificate of completion in 2023, you have completed that level and may not earn a new certificate at that same level in 2024, however you are encouraged to work on your next level up.
  • You may ride the tests in the same level as last year but they will not count towards an additional level completion certificate.
  • NOTE: You may repeat the Six Feet on the Ground FOUNDATION Level Certificate by showing all SIX (6) tests in the 2024 3-show Series.
  • You may enter as many shows as you want to try to improve your scores throughout the series & to complete all tests in that level
  • Must show Minimum of Two(2) of the Three(3) shows in the mini-Series
  • Highest Average Scores, using your best score for each test in your completed level, will win Series-End Awards
    • Introductory Level – Jr & AA
    • Training Level – Jr, AA & Open
    • First Level – Jr, AA & Open
    • Second Level – Jr, AA & Open
    • Third Level – Jr, AA & Open
    • Fourth Level – Jr, AA & Open
    • EVENTING BN, Novice & Training  (1 each, regardless of Level) – Jr, AA & Open
    • Six Feet on the Ground: Foundation or Progression Level – Jr, AA & Open
  • Series End Awards will include a Rosette & a Prize
  • Final Series Awards will be available by Pick Up Only


Hosted By

3608 72nd St E
Tacoma WA 98443

Email: go410s@aol.com
Phone: 360-507-9306

email: horseshowjet@hotmail.com
Phone: 253-951-9218

NOTE: Before entering, please print and sign the attached Iron Horse Farm release

You will be required to bring this with you or signed upon arrival but before you unload

Liability Waiver – The Iron Horse Farm 

ENTRIES for August 17, 2024 Show

Are now 


The August 17th Show will benefit the Monarch Diaper Bank at the Tacoma Children’s Museum

The Monarch Diaper Bank provides free diapering supplies for families to pick up at the Children’s Museum of Tacoma during operational hours on Thursdays and Saturdays. Families are invited to receive a 5-day supply of diapers and a package of wipes per child in addition to enjoying Pay as You Will Admission to play inside the Museum. Learn more about the Monarch Diaper Bank at Greetrike, linked through the logo below.

The Net Profits from the show will be donated & there will be plenty of opportunities to donate through cash, in-kind donations & other opportunities, including a Fill-The-Horse Box Diaper Drive. Blake Equestrian is proud to join The Iron Horse Farm in their support of this much needed.


Schedule & Results for the August 17, 2024 show may be found on Show | Fox Village Dressage Horse Show Management Software

 August FINAL SCHEDULE: rptDaySheetsStd CL AUG 2024 FINAL

August FINAL RIDER TIMES: rptRiderSchedule CL AUG 2024 FINAL

MAP of The Iron Horse Farm



1) A horse may not have more than 3 rides in a day, regardless of how many riders it is entered with 2) Each Horse & Rider pair needs a separate Entry 3) Rides entered in different levels may not be scheduled in order of difficulty & may include lengthy time gaps 4) Short time gaps between may occur between rides if a) you bring multiple horses to ride yourself b) you enter more than one horse in the same class 5) Ride times are scheduled for optimum show flow, not to accommodate group ride schedules 6) Classes may be split or combined at Show Management discretion & varies show to show based on unpredictable entry results. 7) You may be subject to a $10 Change Fee if you choose to change your test a) class level b) test number or c) add a class, after the entry has been completed d) change riders 8)  Clean Parking/Paddock area of any horse manure & trash 9) Classes may be split or combined at show management discretion 10) Classes will be placed FIRST-FIFTH Place (ties are split based on Collective Marks) 11) Ribbons & Awards will be available once the announcements are made and/or posted 12) Cancellation Requests made before noted Entry Deadline, will be subject to a $25 processing fee 13) Cancellations after the Entry Deadline forfeit funds unless it is horse or human health related in which case, the individual Class Entry fees may be refunded with the submission of a Vet or Doctor note/excuse.


·         Consider joining the Blake Equestrian Centerline Dressage Community Facebook Group:  (4) Centerline Dressage Series Community | Facebook. Here, we are discussing the benefits of the series and the goal-driven focus for you and your horse

·         We are using the Current Tests in all disciplines: 2023 Dressage, 2022 Eventing Dressage & 2019 Six Feet on the Ground

·         We are utilizing the Fox Village Dressage Confirmation Email system. If you have not already viewed it, this is a good time to get familiar with it. Most class changes/corrections can be accomplished by reviewing your entry through that system. You can search your email for an email from FVD Confirmations Mail which is also confirmations@foxvillage.com

BACK FOR 2024: Thoroughbred Incentive Program (TIP) High Score Ribbon

Preliminary Schedule by Ring & Preliminary Rider’s Schedule by name. There may a changes from the preliminary version that may have been previously posted on the website due to scratches so please double check on Friday before the show. Fox Village will always be the most up to date version.

We are using Fox Village to send out Confirmations of your entry, posting ride times & Class Schedules. You may access the show information at: https://www.foxvillage.com

Fox Village will also report updated scores and class placements once a class is finished. Please keep in mind that if you view your scores on Fox Village during the show, the scores can change once we double check results, and nothing is final until a class is placed. Your score may be in but your tests will not be available until the class is closed/placed. There will be announcements when classes have been placed and tests/ribbons are ready to be picked up on the deck of the indoor arena.

With our updated Fox Village software, we have been able to increase the size of our show. Please keep in mind that scheduling multiple rings can create a challenge and we’ve done the best we can to keep rides in order whenever possible. As usual, if you are riding in two different levels, your rides may not be in order of difficulty due to the way we need to split them between the courts. Also, because of some very large classes, we have split some.

VACCINE RECORDS: Since May of 2022 we have been requiring Proof of Vaccination for every event at the Farm. ALL Proof of Vacines will need to be submitted to enter 2024 shows, even if you have previously submitted a Proof of Vaccination in 2023 that might still have an expiration date in the future: DO NOT ENTER THE SHOW GROUNDS IF YOU HAVE NOT PROVIDED PROOF OF VACCINE.

Haul In/Working from trailer:

  • You will be provided arrival and parking instructions before the show
  • Please monitor your horse(s) for behavior and safety concerns
  • Please keep the area around your trailer tidy and be aware that other horses and people may need to pass by safely
  • Please pick up and dispose of any manure or trash in designated areas or be prepared to take it with you when you leave

Reserved Paddock:

  • A limited number of 70×70′, non sheltered, paddocks are available to be Pre-Reserved in your entry or upgraded if any are available
  • Up to three (3) horses who get along in an enclosed area may share the paddocks

Paddock Manager: Gwen Blake 360-507-9306 go410s@aol.com

·      Only use the paddock you have been assigned.

·      Please do not handle or move another horse if you discover it in your assigned paddock – CALL GWEN!

·      PLEASE PICK YOUR PADDOCK and/or TRAILER AREA of any manure before you leave

·      Please bring your own manure cleaning implements: the farm does not have picks, shovels or carts to lend